Mitarachis treats Greek people like morons
Mitsotakis seeks to mislead the world
Mitarachis lies – again – about deaths in the Aegean
‘Convoy of light’ – what to expect from our governments
Mitarachis: is he being hoodwinked? Are we?
UNHCR envoy suggests punishing parents if children travel for safety
Mitsotakis disgraces Greece with joke about dead five-year-old girl
Mitarachis and Elaionas: lack of interest, lack of empathy
A story of Maria: how the Greek government killed a five-year-old girl
Josoor: human rights and human safety unravel before our eyes
Ms. Baerbock: we already had the investigation. It is now time to act
EU watchdog revelations mean Commissioners must resign
Greek government dissembles, misleads, over deaths and inhuman treatment of travelling people
Kiriakos Mitsotakis: Strange, erroneous, claims at the EU Parliament
Greek government: the world’s largest people-trafficking operation?
Misdirection and blame-shifting: Mitarachis misses another opportunity
Aegean deaths: Mitarachis misleads Greek public
UN warns Greek government: you are damaging Greece
What happened at Agios Georgios?
TV Presenters wildly mislead Greek public