Pushbacks: Together Magazine, December 2023
EU must abandon plans to wreck, end, human lives
Seven days from the Pylos catastrophe: lies, persecution and protest
Pylos: an unfolding catastrophe in which 650 deaths are still largely ignored
Greece, Italy, ‘Eastern Libya’ and the EU: killers of 650 people
Fatmata. A woman not killed ‘by accident’
It is time to stop
SYRIZA cannot govern Greece by running from reality
The EU must stop funding states which break international law
Δεν μπορώ να δεχτώ τη μετατροπή της αλληλεγγύης σε αδίκημα
Calabria: the outcome of years of breaking the law
Distraction and Dishonesty: Greece’s Migration Ministry and its distant relationship with truth
Illegal discrimination and detention – the EU and the Greek government on new arrivals
‘A wall’, or ‘The collapse of the law’
2022 Summary: Pushbacks: the facts, and the realities behind them.
CNN wastes opportunity to speak to Mitarachis
OLAF publication indicates catastrophe for Frontex, Greece, EU Commission
Mitsotakis disgraces Greece with joke about dead five-year-old girl
Josoor: human rights and human safety unravel before our eyes
Ms. Baerbock: we already had the investigation. It is now time to act