Mitarachis and Elaionas: lack of interest, lack of empathy
A story of Maria: how the Greek government killed a five-year-old girl
Ms. Baerbock: we already had the investigation. It is now time to act
Greek government: the world’s largest people-trafficking operation?
Misdirection and blame-shifting: Mitarachis misses another opportunity
Aegean deaths: Mitarachis misleads Greek public
What happened at Agios Georgios?
The Sound of Greece’s Summer: ‘It’s Turkey’s fault’. Part Two
The EAD report: a lesson in bad practice and/or proof the Greek government is breaking the law
Mitarachis fights as the walls close in over pushbacks
Leggeri’s statements show we need far more to fix the EU’s violent, rotten, border system
Leggeri resigns as Frontex director after latest revelations of agency’s illegal, immoral activities
Μηταραχής: ψεύδος ή έλλειψη εφαρμογής;
Mitarachis: falsehood, or lack of application?
Ukrainian arrivals: the hypocrisy and what we must make it mean
Factcheck: Mitarachis’ latest effort to sidestep the reality of Greece’s refugee policies
Pekka Haavisto: Greece’s Finnish false friend
Greek government ‘loses’ more than 25,000 people
Notis Mitarachis' race to shift blame for Christmas killings
Jail for asylum seekers: now an official Greek policy? A ‘development’ on the theme…