Pushbacks: Together Magazine, December 2023
Pushback proportions, not numbers, fall in August
Serious problems with NGO allegations
'New' government, same abuse of the legal system
Mitsotakis: shifting blame and attacking those who have human feeling
Pylos: an unfolding catastrophe in which 650 deaths are still largely ignored
Greece, Italy, ‘Eastern Libya’ and the EU: killers of 650 people
Greece, Nea Dimokratia and ‘second chances’
Lesvos’ turn to revel in ND carnival of lies
A police officer shoots a man in the head. The response cannot be ‘nothing’
Notis Mitarachis: lying to the Greek public
It is time to stop
Mitsotakis, the media and the pushback lie
SYRIZA cannot govern Greece by running from reality
The EU must stop funding states which break international law
Maria: the (actual) current situation
Δεν μπορώ να δεχτώ τη μετατροπή της αλληλεγγύης σε αδίκημα
Mitarachis on Hardtalk: a carnival of lies
The situation on Greece’s borders is far worse than even critical reports suggest
Mitarachis and the Turkish earthquakes: using catastrophe to spread bigotry